What has changed?

The EU has released regulation 2023/2744, which specifies new and updated model export health certificates (EHCs) for many of the commonly used certificates for exporting products of animal origin (POAO) from GB to the EU.

These have been released on the EHCO system on the 31/5/24. They may be used for export with immediate effect, however there is a temporary crossover period, where the old model EHCs can still be used as well, as long as they are signed on or before 15/6/24 and the goods enter the EU before 15/9/24. From the 16/6/24, the old model EHCs must not be used and any spare copies will need cancelling on EHCO.

The changes are mainly cosmetic in terms of layout and paragraph ordering and footnotes, we are not aware of any significant onerous new changes that might affect exports.

Which EHCs are affected?

The full list is given in APHA’s briefing note 19/24. Overall, there are 44 EHCs that have been updated, all covering food for human consumption.

Some of the commoner ones include:

  • Fresh meat – beef, lamb, pork, venison, boar
  • Eggs and egg products
  • Meat preparations
  • Meat products
  • Fish, crustaceans and molluscs
  • Milk, milk products and raw milk
  • Gelatin, collagen and highly refined products
  • Composites
  • Storage EHC for EU goods
  • Private attestation

What tips do you have?

  • Plan your exports carefully, being mindful of the cutover dates
  • Liaise with us to see if any changes might affect your exports
  • Apply for new EHCs in good time
  • Notify us of any old EHCs that will not be used
  • Be mindful that with past changes, some BCPs (often in France) have insisted the new EHCs be used immediately. This is not the case – article 2 within the legislation clearly defines the transition period.

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Written by Andrew Iveson on and tagged in EHCs, .